Tree Removal – Signs You Need to Take Down Your Tree
Dead Tree Removal
A dead tree should be removed as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more it rots, and then, the more unstable the wood becomes. If you leave a dead tree in your yard for too long, the more unstable it will become for the tree cutter to climb it. If it is unstable, specialty equipment will be required – and that will escalate the cost. Here are a few signs that your tree is dead.
- An absence of leaves where there used to be leaves.
- Large pieces of bark are coming loose and separating from the tree.
- Large limbs are falling from the tree.
- Visible rot.
Dying or Trees in Decline
A dying tree or one in decline, should be removed as soon as possible – especially before it dies completely. This makes the tree removal process safer and easier, and thus, cheaper. Some signs that you have a dying tree include.
- Your tree has bare branches throughout the tree.
- Your trees leaves are turning brown.
- There are falling limbs.
Trees that are Structurally Unstable
- There are a many things that can cause a tree to become structurally unstable. If you detect any of the following, it would warrant immediate removal of your tree.
- Your tree’s trunk has sideways or vertical cracks in it.
- Your tree has large cavities in the trunk, sometimes infested with critters.
- Your tree has decaying roots.
- Your tree has a presence of disease such as fungus growth (or tree rust)
Your Ugly Tree
All trees are beautiful. Don’t misunderstand Edison Tree Service. But to some callous, less than stellar contributors to the tree hugging movement, looks matter, and so they reserve the right to label and offend their tree, taking a politically incorrect stance of calling their tree flat out ugly.
Not all crooked or misshapen trees should be removed. But if you have one that is deemed hideous by consensus, call a tree removal company.
Overcrowding of Trees
Trees need their space and grow best when they don’t have to compete with one another. This is where a trained arborist would be a valuable part of your decision making process because cutting down too many or too few trees to increase the overall health of the majority could be a mistake. Pruning may be the answer, tree removal may be too. Find out by calling a pro.
Landscape Needs
When and if you are redesigning your property, you will likely need the advice of a tree removal person. It’s often the first step in a new landscaping process.